Bulldog Nation Newsletter
We are excited to introduce our monthly newsletter, crafted to keep you informed about essential updates and upcoming events at both the district and campus levels. Our aim is to make sure you are always in the loop.

Parent Resources/Recursos para padres

English as a Second Language Families

With Dial-a-Story, you can listen to a story anytime, anywhere! Stories change every Monday.
Call 408-615-2909 to listen to a story in English or Spanish, or listen to the story online on our Dial-a-Story page.
Best for Kindergarten-3rd grade.

¡Llama para un cuento y escucha un cuento en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar! Los cuentos cambian todos los lunes.
Llama al 408-615-2909 para escuchar el cuento en inglés o español, ó escúchalo en nuestra pagina de web.
Recomendado para kinder-tercer grado

How Reading Can Help
Screen Time Resources

Safe Gun Storage